Ok, so now you have put together a beautiful collection of clothes and accessories. My question is – what do you do with them, storage wise?

Is your wardrobe a nightmare of crushed, disorganised clothes?
Can you locate that shirt/dress when you’re in a hurry to get out the door, that you just HAVE to wear?
You know it’s there somewhere, but WHERE?! You need a map and a compass and nerves of steel to navigate the wardrobe!

I suggest taking some time to organise your wardrobe – invite a friend over to help you cull those pieces that you’re just not able to make the tough decisions about.

Messy WardrobeIt’s good to have a system:

  • Colours together
  • Skirts
  • Tops
  • Dresses
  • Pants
  • Jackets


Put outfits together – mix and match, it’s so much easier to find when the right cami is sitting under that sheer blouse and you don’t have to go rummaging!
You’d be surprised at the combinations you can put together – you may find a whole new range of outfits from your existing wardrobe.

Another way of organising your wardrobe is to put your most frequently used garments together in an easy access spot.
Neat WardrobeCategorising by:

  • Daywear
  • Evening wear
  • Cocktail dresses
  • Ballgowns
  • Etc.

Work out the best system for you, because when you put one in place it’s pure magic – no more endless searching!!
Opening your wardrobe doors brings a smile to your face, instead of a grimacing sigh!

Hang your jewellery on your wardrobe doors, it is more accessible and when you SEE it you’re more likely to use it. Also put your scarves over a rack, they will be less crumpled and easier to find, categorise them to their fabrics; silks, cottons, synthetics, wool and cashmere.

Let’s talk about shoes (our favourite subject).
If space is an issue – hang a shoe holder on the wardrobe/bedroom door. If you have the luxury of space, line them up neatly with shoe trees to help them keep their shape. Or you can store them in their boxes with a photo of them taped on the outside of the box for easy recognition.

Use lavender or sweet smelling sachets throughout your storage space. Line your drawers with pretty paper and organise your underwear, use plastic or cardboard dividers to separate your undies (everyday, evening, sport etc.), shoe boxes also work, and keep your tights separated from your socks!
Now all you have to do is spend a little extra time keeping it organised, it’s well worth the effort.

Happy wardrobe sorting girls!!